Geo 7 Laser Rangefinder Calibration and Tips for proper use


Geo 7_laser_Right

The Geo 7x Laser Rangefinder doesn’t come Fully calibrated from the factory.

**We may have done a “Fast Calibration” before shipping out every Geo 7x and Laser Rangefinder.  However it is recommended to perform a “FULL Calibration” before first use of the Geo 7x Laser Rangefinder.

Steps to calibrating, documentation and video are as follows:

  1. Start your GPS program first before Calibrating your Geo 7x. This will ensure that the software updates your Magnetic Declination Location (see trouble shooting Magnetic Declination at the bottom).
  2. Verify that the Firmware of your Geo 7 Laser Rangefinder is current.  On the Geo 7 click on Start> Settings> System> System Information and it will show Laser Rangefinder firmware version at the bottom of the screen.   If it is not version 1.005 then download and update to version 1.005.  Some Geo 7x’s might have shipped with the older OS/GNSS Firmware and Laser Rangefinder Firmware.
  3. Perform Step 3 only if the firmware is not the current 1.005.  Download the Firmware 1.005 from the Trimble Geo 7 download page under “Firmware Updates”.  Click on Geo 7 Downloads.  Click on “Firmware Updates” and the select  Trimble Geo 7 Series Rangefinder Module Firmware Version 1.005 – INSTALLER  The Firmware 1.005: “Increased Maximum Read Range”.
  4. After the file has downloaded to your computer copy the “.exe” to the main folder on the Geo.  Then use File Explorer on your Geo 7 to navigate to the My Device page.  Scroll down and find the Geo 7 Rangefinder file and run the “.exe”.  On screen you will then see a message whether or not the Firmware for the Laser Rangefinder is current or not.
  5. Connect the Power cable to your Geo 7X when installing any updates just in case.
  6. Calibrate the 7x Laser Rangefinder before your first project and when you move to a new location (See below on “When should I Calibrate the Laser Rangefinder?”).  Always start up the GPS software first before calibration of the Laser Rangefinder.
  7. Go outside and Face North when calibrating the Geo 7X sensors.  Stay away from metal objects when calibrating and or using the Laser.
  8. Aligning the Camera and Laser (check to be sure the Laser Pointer is active).
  9. Calibrate the Orientation Sensor
  10. Download the video on How to calibrate the Orientation Senor or watch it here:  Geo 7X Handheld: Orientation Sensor Calibration Instructions  Additional information for the Geo 7x found here for Sensor/Compass Calibration
  11. More detailed information about calibration and use of the Laser Rangefinder can be found in the Geo 7 User Guide pages 25 thru 28.

When should I Calibrate the Laser Rangefinder?

• the first time the device is used
• if the device temperature or environment temperature has changed dramatically
• whenever the calibration utility recommends Full Calibration
• if after performing a fast calibration, sensor measurement still appear to be erroneous
Fast calibration calibrates for local magnetic and environmental magnetic conditions.
Fast calibration should be performed:
• when you are about to begin data collection at a different job site
• after swapping the battery
• if you have dropped the handheld, or it is exposed to severe shock
• if field applications are consistently reporting compass disturbance
• if it appears that sensor outputs are erroneous

Trouble Shooting the Geo 7x Laser Rangefinder:

  • Calibrate if you see the sensor indicating that its time to calibrate – See Page 26 thru 28 of the Geo 7x User Guide: Orientation Sensor Accuracy.  You will see this compass icon in the Rangefinder Application and in the upper right of the “MAP Screen” in TerraSync 5.6x.

When to calibrate the 7x Sensor

The Geo 7x Laser Rangefinder supports the following Trimble MGIS/Esri softwares:

  1. TerraSync 5.60
  2. TerraFlex 1.50
  3. Trimble Connect 1.6-8
  4. Trimble Positions 10.2 with ArcPad 10.2
  5. Trimble Positions 10.2 with ArcGIS for Windows Mobile 10.2