See the latest news about the LightSquared debate and testing.

Member Update – September 23, 2011

News from Capitol Hill:

Two recent hearings focused on LightSquared and its impact on GPS signals.  On Thursday, September 15th, the House Armed Services Subcommittee on Strategic Forces held a hearing where Air Force General William Shelton testified that, “based on the test results and analysis today, the LightSquared network would effectively jam vital GPS receivers. And to our knowledge thus far, there are no mitigation options that would be effective in eliminating interference to essential GPS services in the United States.’  When questioned about costs, the general responded, ‘We have not estimated cost. However, I think it’d be very safe to say that the cost would be in the b’s – billions of dollars.”

On Thursday, September 8th, the House Science, Space and Technology Committee held a hearing on the “Impacts of the LightSquared Network,” where lawmakers and expert witnesses called for further testing of the planned network.  Tony Russo, director of the National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing, said: “If GPS is a teaspoon of water, LightSquared is Niagara Falls.”…”Technical experts are split as to whether it is even feasible that we could put a filter in that was both strong enough to knock out the LightSquared signal and still allow us to do our mission.”

Earlier this week, the House Science, Space and Technology Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee announced that they have taken initial steps to investigate the possibility that political influence may have played a role in the FCC’s decision in the LightSquared waiver.   Two letters that the House Science Committee sent to the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of Science and technology Policy can be found here.

We are anticipating Congressional action in the near future on two pieces of legislation that address the GPS interference issue.  The first bill, HR 1540, directs the FCC not to proceed on the LightSquared matter until interference to Department of Defense GPS systems is resolved.  The second bill, HR 2434, directs the FCC not to proceed on the LightSquared matter until interference to commercial GPS users is resolved.  We are hopeful that Congress will take final action on these two bills in the next several weeks.

NTIA and FCC call for more testing:


In a letter to the U.S. Defense and Transportation Departments dated September 9, 2011, Lawrence Strickling, who heads the National Telecommunications and Information Administration, called for further testing of the LightSquared network to conclude by November 30.  The letter called primarily for testing of cellular and personal/general navigation devices, noting that additional testing will be required for high-precision receivers once filters are developed to mitigate interference.  The letter can be viewed here.

On September 13, 2011, the FCC called for further testing as well to ensure that LightSquared won’t cause harmful interference to GPS.  The FCC’s public notice can be found here.

LightSquared revises its plans…again:


LightSquared’s latest proposal – its third of the year – includes limiting the on-the-ground power levels its ground stations will transmit.  While it appears to be a positive step toward reducing, for some devices, the harmful interference to GPS signals confirmed during testing of LightSquared’s earlier incomplete proposals, it still leaves a huge gap because it does not claim to solve interference to high-precision GPS receivers.  Even after three tries, there remain substantial gaps in what LightSquared has offered.

LightSquared’s supposed technical fix for high-precision receivers:


On September 21st, LightSquared, in partnership with Javad GNSS, claimed to have found a solution that will prevent its network from interfering with high-precision GPS devices and that the company will test prototypes during additional tests required by the FCC.  LightSquared has, as usual, oversimplified and greatly overstated the significance of the claims of a single vendor to have ‘solved’ the interference issue.  There have been many vendor claims that have not proven out in rigorous tests and the demanding tests of marketplace acceptance.  Moreover, this is not a one-size-fits-all situation and a few prototypes do not make a solution.

The way forward:


As the Coalition stated in a statement on Tuesday, September 20th, “It’s time for LightSquared to stop its glossy ads, irresponsible rhetoric, revisionist history and finger pointing, and provide genuine, fully-tested solutions to the GPS interference problem.  LightSquared has always been prohibited from interfering with GPS, and it should have done its homework on this critical issue before spending its investors’ money.  It is not the fault of government GPS users or the GPS industry that LightSquared has failed to offer proposals that actually solve the problem. LightSquared must accept the responsibility to provide technical proposals that do resolve the problem, as well as its financial responsibility to address any interference issues that it cannot resolve by technical proposals.”

How to stay involved:

As you know, the FCC’s public comment period and follow-on reply comment period in the LightSquared matter wrapped up in August.  We are very encouraged that more than 3,000 comments were submitted, the vast majority of which advocated for the protection of GPS. 

Keep voicing your concerns.  Write your Representatives and Senators in Congress. Tell them how you use GPS, and how you or your business would be affected by interference. 

To find your Representative click here.  To find your Senators, click here.

Recent news coverage: | September 19, 2011

Billionaire Backer Disputes Charges That Company Sought White House Help to Influence Testimony


The Hill | September 15, 2011

Fixing LightSquared could take a decade, general says

Inside GNSS | September 15, 2011

LightSquared Would Jam GPS, Defense Officials Tell Congress


The Washington Post | September 8, 2011

GOP decries FCC’s conditional approval of LightSquared wireless plan

Bloomberg | September 8, 2011

LightSquared May Degrade Hurricane Tracking, Agencies Say


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